OMF Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group – Meeting 2 Summary

The Working Group members met for the second time on November 19-21, 2018, in Kirkland, Washington! Workshop participants included Working Group members, invited management experts from NOAA, and several observers from government and NGOs.

This workshop focused on fostering productive discussion and break-out groups in order to make continual progress on each project. Members and invited experts from NOAA updated the group on relevant legislation and communications, including the project webinar held by the Working Group co-chairs that occurred between meetings. The Lenfest Ocean Program, observers and Working Group members gave presentations that provided additional context for the Working Group. Finally, the group identified next steps for each project, including writing assignments, and concluded the meeting with a productive discussion, presentations and feedback from meeting observers.

For more details on each project, refer to our Workshop 2 Summary.

The next group meeting will take place June 10-12 at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Reykjavik, Iceland. 

The OMF’s Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group is a collaboration with Oceans Initiative and funded by the Lenfest Ocean Program.

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