Final Products and Public Webinar from the Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group

Thanks to all who were able to join the round table discussion with our Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group to learn about their main findings and final products on how to assess and manage marine mammal bycatch. All Working Group products are linked below and the event recording is here: Final Products of the Marine Mammal Bycatch Working […]

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Virtual Panel Discussion

The Lenfest Ocean Program will host a virtual panel discussion with the members of the Ocean Modeling Forum’s Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group, on best practices to estimate marine mammal bycatch. Register for the Virtual Panel here:

Call for Special Issue Research Papers

In collaboration with Frontier in Marine Science, the Ocean Modeling Forum Marine Mammal Working Group is soliciting articles related to assessment approaches to support bycatch management for marine mammals. We are especially interested in examples of novel field and analytical methods for estimating abundance and bycatch and for calculating conservation reference points that can be […]

Marine Mammal Bycatch Mitigation ShinyApp is live!

The marine mammal bycatch mitigation ShinyApp is live! This ShinyApp was created by Dr. Margaret Siple as part of the Marine Mammal Working Group. It shows population projections under different bycatch mortality levels, based on information you provide. You can also use it to calculate the parameters for Potential Biological Removal (PBR). View the ShinyApp […]

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OMF visits Haida Gwaii

The Ocean Modeling Forum has been engaging since 2014 with a diverse group of stakeholders and scientists from Alaska and British Columbia, focused on improving herring fisheries sustainability. Together we have developed approaches and tools to assess the impacts of herring fisheries on the diverse benefits provided by herring and herring harvest activities to communities, […]

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